GPS-We Want Guarantees

APR 07  / Sunday – Read John 20:24 / Hebrews 7:21-25 / 1 Corinthians 15:17 & 20 Overview: Why should we [...]

GPS-We Want Guarantees2024-04-07T09:55:35-05:00

GPS-More Than Luck

MAR 31  / Sunday – Read John 20:1-23 Overview: The defeat of death was not just good luck. The resurrection of [...]

GPS-More Than Luck2024-03-31T09:58:09-05:00

GPS-Tears & Fears

MAR 10  / Sunday – Read John 11:17-44 / John 14:1-7 and 15-19 Overview: When you really love, you feel others' [...]

GPS-Tears & Fears2024-03-10T09:54:54-05:00

GPS-Mud in Your Eye

MAR 03  / Sunday – Read John 9:1-41 / John 10:1-21 Overview: Jesus teaches there is no greater love than to [...]

GPS-Mud in Your Eye2024-03-03T09:13:25-06:00

GPS-Nuclear Power

FEB 11  / Sunday – Read Romans 1:16 Overview: There’s nothing quite like the energy realized from a nuclear reaction. But [...]

GPS-Nuclear Power2024-02-11T15:51:45-06:00

GPS-Power Lines

FEB 04  / Sunday – Read Galations 5:16 Overview: The power is there, but the light doesn’t go on unless we [...]

GPS-Power Lines2024-02-04T09:35:35-06:00
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