Well, the Vikings are done for the season so it’s time to turn to thoughts of baseball. Every year I count down the days until spring training starts. Except this year that date is uncertain. I blame it on December. In December players and owners couldn’t reach a new collective bargaining agreement so there might not be spring training this year. Also in December, the Omicron variant swept in and made school, travel, winter events and spring plans uncertain, too. And December brought Minnesota its first winter tornadoes ever. After this past December you can’t count on anything anymore.
Well, that isn’t exactly true. “Jesus Christ never changes! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8 CEV). Climate changes, viruses change, baseball changes, but through it all the one constant is Jesus Christ. His love never fails. His power never fades. His presence never leaves us.
I hope that things get back to normal soon and spring training begins on time, the pandemic passes, and the weather is good. But no matter what this year brings, we know that nothing can “separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.“ (Romans 8:39).
Have a great week!
Pastor Mark