“A kind answer soothes angry feelings, but harsh words stir them up.– Proverbs 15:1 CEV

Last week, I received an invitation from a high school classmate to a state hockey tournament watch party. I was rather surprised since I hadn’t heard from this classmate since high school. In fact, of the 100 people invited to the party, I had only spoken to two of them in the past 40 years. The invitation included a quote about the rivalries surrounding the tournament. It said, “That time of year, when the North hates the Metro…the Metro hates Private school…and Everyone hates Edina.” He signed it “Go Hornets!” since he lives in Edina.

What followed was a bunch of good-natured support for some of the other teams: Go Hibbing!, Go Spuds! (Moorhead). But one person was offended by the quote and launched into a rather lengthy defense of sending his kids to private schools, even calling out the email author and challenging him to further debate. 

It all reminded me of high school. Big fights starting over the tiniest things. People attributing hurtful intent where no hurt was intended. Harsh words for others from out of nowhere. I guess it doesn’t end when you turn 18. (Anybody on social media probably knows this already!)

Proverbs 15 teaches a different way of relating to people. “Losing your temper causes a lot of trouble, but staying calm settles arguments.” (15:18 CEV) “Good people think before they answer, but the wicked speak evil without ever thinking.” (15:28 CEV) And, of course, “A kind answer soothes angry feelings, but harsh words stir them up.” (15:1 CEV)

These words were written long before there were high schools or social media, but they surely apply to us today. Will you speak gentle words this week?

God bless your Lent.

Pastor Mark