As Christmas approaches you might hear the song
“Baby, It’s Cold Outside.” At Resurrection Church we have a new version: “Baby, It’s Cold Inside”. Two of our rooftop furnaces have broken beyond repair, so we no longer have any heat in the nursery, lobby, coffee shop, library, or room 111! We have new replacement units on order and hopefully they can be installed soon*. The cost of this will be over $28,000. This is not money we had budgeted for because we have already had to replace a different unit in the office this year.
I am making you aware of this because the generous people at Resurrection have always risen to the occasion when a need presented itself. If you would like to help make our building as warm as our hearts this Christmas, just mark your gift “furnace” and contribute in any of the ways you usually give.
Of course, another way you can help warm the building is by your presence. Remember, we will not be having morning services on Christmas Eve, but I look forward to seeing you that afternoon at 4:30 or in the evening at 7:00 to celebrate our Savior’s birth and to hear the last of our Sweet Christmas messages –“Old-Fashioned Hard Christmas Candy Mix.”
Pastor Mark
* I finished this letter just in time to learn that the new units were being delivered and installed the following day. Talk about service (and an answer to prayer)!