I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:14 RSV

Did you know the heaviest pumpkin ever grown was raised by a Minnesotan from Anoka? Travis Gienger’s 2,749 pound behemoth set the record at the 2023 Safeway World Championship Pumpkin Weigh-Off in Half Moon Bay, California. Travis spent $600 for his pumpkin seeds and started them indoors before transferring them to a hoop house outside his bedroom window. Then he spent 2–3 hours every day tending his pumpkins, not even taking off for the fishing opener. He used 15 different fertilizers and supplements, and he watered it multiple times per day. At one point his pumpkin was adding 43 pounds per day.

All of that work paid off, as he was able to claim the prize of the worlds’ heaviest pumpkin. This year’s competition is on October 14. Will he grow a bigger one this year? If someone else does, they will have followed a similar process: good seeds, water, fertilizer, and lots and lots of time and attention.

Do we devote this kind of time and effort to our faith life? Does Jesus receive the attention from us that Travis gives to his pumpkins? If not, why not? Travis does all this to have bragging rights and to win a substantial prize of $9 per pound. But our prize is so much greater. It’s the heavenly prize of life with Jesus. And we don’t have to beat out everyone else in order to win it. This prize is for everyone who will receive it from God.

Enjoy the pumpkin season, and God bless you. 

Pastor Mark