Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. – Hebrews 13:8 NIV

This morning I dropped a friend off at his parents’ new senior living apartment. His dad’s declining physical health, and his mom’s increasing dementia, made it necessary to sell their house of 70 years and move to a new home. My friend tells me that every day his mom asks to “go home” to their old house.

As I drove back, I suddenly found myself confused as to where I was. Then I saw a familiar crossroads and remembered that there had once been a construction business there. I had applied to work for them many years ago. The business was gone. Now it was a densely packed shopping area. Nothing was the same as it once was.

Of course, the same could be said for myself. The stiff muscles and creaky joints each morning remind me that I am not the 20-year-old job seeker I was back then. There are times that I wish I were, just like my friend’s mom wishes she was back in her old home. But good or bad, things change. 

Except for Jesus. His mercy, love, and peace are unchanging. No matter what changes we face in our lives, we can count on Jesus to be with us and help us through. So with that thought in mind, have a blessed week.

Pastor Mark