SEP 15 / Sunday – Read 1 Cor 9:24 NRSVUE / Heb 12:1b NLT / Rom 12:1-2

Overview: The first key to winning the race of life.

16 / Mon – In view of God’s mercy  |  Read 1 Pet 1:3 / Romans 12:1a

Therefore usually points back to the reason for the next action you need to take. Paul has spent the first 11 chapters reviewing history and explaining how God has created a way back to Him through Jesus. Now Paul gets to the heart of the matter.  As you think back over your life, where have you seen the mercy of God at work? How is your life different because of it? Will you allow the mercy of God to be extended through you to others today?

17 / Tue – Offer a sacrifice  |  Read Romans 12:1b / Matt 6:33

Everyone makes sacrifices for something. Some sacrifice their lives to a job or to gain wealth or prestige. Others make sacrifices for sports or politics or chase an elusive dream. Here, Paul is calling all of us to be a living sacrifice. God doesn’t want a dead sacrifice. He is looking for those who will live, walk, talk, eat, work, rest, and interact with all kinds of people, in a way that draws their attention to Him. Will you make a conscious choice to live this kind of life? It might mean sacrificing things or activities that are less important but it will be worth it!

18 / Wed – Out-of-the-ordinary worship  |  Read Romans 12:1c

What is your favorite kind of worship music? Does it bring you closer to the Lord? It’s common to consider music, singing, or listening to it, as the primary way to worship God. Yet, Paul declares that offering your body as a living sacrifice is true and proper worship. Is that because anyone can sing and worship on Sunday morning but behave quite differently the rest of the week? God is looking for believers who will walk the talk. Will you be one of them?

19 / Thu – Are you on the bandwagon?  |  Read Romans 12:2a / John 8:32

What you believe will influence how you speak and act. It is the basis for your decision-making and how you live your life. But what if you unknowingly have accepted something that is either false or maybe a half-truth? The consequences can be far-reaching. Do you take time to compare the things you read or hear with God’s truth? It may be easy to ‘go with the flow’ but that’s the way your enemy wants you to live. Will you ask God to point out any area in which you’re conforming to the patterns of this world? He’ll be faithful to do so. He can help you change.

20 / Fri – Renewing your mind  |  Read Romans 12:2b / Isaiah 55:8-9 / John 8:31-32

A renewed mind leads to right living. Transformation starts with an honest assessment. When you seriously look at your thought patterns, you will be able to challenge them. The best way to do this is to compare your thinking with God’s thoughts, by reading and considering what He has revealed in scripture. As you learn to know Him better, your thoughts will change. Another helpful thing is to have conversations with someone you trust. Ask them to be honest. Be willing to hear what they say and trust God to speak through them. Then start rethinking.

21 / Sat – The end result  |  Read Romans 12:2c / Proverbs 16:9 / Isaiah 48:17

The result of a renewed mind is knowing what God wants, for you and from you. Life can be pretty confusing sometimes. But God has a plan for every day of your life. Places to go, things to do, people to see. He is orchestrating every circumstance toward one end – your ultimate good. Even when life feels off and you don’t know why, will you trust Him for the final results? He is good. He loves you and He is for you. Always.

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

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The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.