AUG 04 / Sunday – Read  John 15:5 / Matthew 26:27-29

Overview: Ever seen grapes grow without being attached to a vine? Doubt it. Same goes for Christians, i.e. the only chance of having a fruitful life is by staying connected to Jesus.

05 / Mon – Vines, branches, grapes  |  Read John 15:5

Vineyards were a familiar sight to those Jesus was teaching. He used this analogy to explain how essential it is for us (branch) to stay connected to him (vine) to produce (spiritual) fruit. Do you struggle to live a godly life? Daily connections with Jesus will make the difference. Apart from him, you can do nothing. What will you do today to stay close to him? Growth is a process. It can take up to three years for a branch to bear viable grapes. Don’t give up and you will see the fruit grow.

06 / Tue – Pruning is part of the process   |  Read John 15:1-2

The quality of the grapes is directly affected by the amount of sunlight it receives. Up to 7-8 hours of direct sunlight per day is needed for a good harvest. Too many small shoots and clusters can overwhelm the plant and create barriers that block the sun. Pruning is essential. Have you seen God remove things in your life in the past that hindered your spiritual growth? Will you ask Him to show you anything in the present that is keeping you from being a fruitful follower?

07 / Wed – Two kinds of fruit  |  Read Galatians 5:19-23

What does spiritual fruit look like? Paul gives us a practical description in v22-23. This list stands in stark contrast to the previous list in v19-21 (acts of the flesh). When you think of people in your life who most resemble Jesus, you probably see the fruit of the Spirit evident in their lives. How did they become like that? Spiritual fruit is cultivated by spending time with the Lord, talking and listening, reading His words over and over, putting them into practice. Will you ask the Holy Spirit to produce good fruit in your life?

08 / Thu – In the good times, in the tough times  |  Read John 14:10

Fruit is the tangible proof of what is going on inside the branches. There are seasons when things look dead. We might feel like that at times. Yet Life is still there, and at the right time, it will flourish visibly for all to see. In the meantime, persevere. What is your motivation for the good you do in every season? Will you choose to live in a way that others can see God is the originator, that He is working through you? And please do not forget to give Him the credit.

09 / Fri – Like father, like son  |  Read John 14:9

Have you heard the expression “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”? Although we don’t know exactly when that phrase was coined, Jesus spelled it out for his disciples in this verse. One of the most gracious things God does is helping us understand His character as demonstrated by Jesus’ life. When you read the gospels, pay close attention to what he did, what he said and the attitudes he portrayed. Then ask yourself…“when people look at me, do they see the Lord?” If it helps, imagine you have a tattoo on your forehead that says “Jesus-follower” and see what happens.

10 / Sat – Rooted and grounded  |  Read Ephesians 3:15-19

It is significant that the first fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22 is love. You could say it precedes all the others. Everyone is looking for love and often in all the wrong places. When you are rooted and established in Christ’s love, when you begin to grasp the vastness of his love for you and every single human being who has ever existed, then it fills you up and overflows. There is no greater joy than knowing you are fully known and unconditionally loved. Will you ask the Holy Spirit to reveal this to you at the deepest level of your soul? Only then can you pass it on.

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

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The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.