Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. – Hebrews 13:8 

While on vacation last week, Tami and I worshipped at Island Lake Church of Christ, a little country church near the cabin. We first visited that church back in the 80’s when Tami and I were dating. Not much has changed since then. The parking lot is still grass. The congregation is still about 25 people. The music was the same hymns plunked out on the same old piano. Even the pastor looked familiar.

Turns out it was the same pastor we saw 40 some years ago. He said he had been the pastor there for 55 years. “It’s awfully hard to get rid of me,” he joked. There is something comforting in continuity. Imagine a church (or a town or a family) that hasn’t changed one bit in over half a century. I guess some things never change.

But most things do – some for the better and some for the worse. Our families change through marriages, births, and death. Our communities change. Businesses open and close, homes are built, and roads are expanded. Even in our churches, there is change (unless you go to Island Lake Church). Yes, most things change – except (thankfully) for Jesus.

As you probably know, Pastor Julie has moved on to lead First UMC of Red Wing. We were sad to see her go. Change is hard. But God is good. And God has led Dayna Steinke to accept the position of Director of Children’s and Family Ministry. Dayna and her husband David have been a part of Resurrection for many years and have three children in rezKIDS. I will let her introduce herself in a future letter, but in the meantime if you see her in church congratulate her and thank her for stepping up to minister to our children and families.

Pastor Mark