Our daughter is getting married on November 10th – just a couple of weeks from the time I’m posting this. Unbelievable! Of course, we are thrilled! We absolutely love the man she’s marrying – Ryan Woodring. He was the Higher Grounds manager for a short period of time here at Resurrection, so some of you may remember him. They are currently living in South Carolina, but the wedding is here, in Minnesota. I’m afraid his friends/relatives may be in for a bit of a shock, experiencing Minnesota in November 🥶.

Our daughter, Lindsey, is very organized and has had the wedding details figured out for quite a while now. And while all those details are very important, my favorite part of the BIG DAY will be the ceremony. Yes, the food will be great, and seeing people I haven’t seen in a while, as well as meeting new people, will be wonderful. The reception, watching my children and grandchildren dance, as well as spending some time on the dance floor myself, will be so much fun. But the ceremony, that’s what I’m looking forward to the most.

To marry someone means many things, but ultimately, marriage is about God. When God is invited into marriage, something very powerful takes place. The couple will experience God’s presence in ways they never thought possible. They will begin to be a better spouse, they’ll begin to look more like Jesus, and in the process, they’ll discover the deeper joy and purpose that they’ve been looking for all along. With God, marriage is the most beautiful experience in the world, and I rejoice with Lindsey and Ryan as they begin their journey together!

May you enjoy God’s abundant blessings and indescribable peace as you travel the highways and bi-ways of life –

Pastor Julie

Those who are loved by God, let his love continually pour from you to one another, because God is love. Everyone who loves is fathered by God and experiences an intimate knowledge of him. The one who doesn’t love has yet to know God, for God is love.  – 1 John 4:7-8 TPT