On September 15th, Isaiah Curtis became the new director of rezYouth. In this role, he has already restarted the Wednesday Oasis youth ministry (6:30p after the Wednesday community dinner). Isaiah is a wonderful example of Resurrection living out its vision. Our five-point vision statement is:

  1. We connect people to Jesus
  2. We worship passionately and authentically
  3. We bless the Hastings area
  4. We develop Christian leaders
  5. We look like our community

Isaiah represents all of these…especially #4. He is a homegrown leader raised up through the support of many in this church. As a high school student, he was a Sunday school teacher working with Pastor Julie. He served as our youth leader intern under two different directors. And he has been a volunteer rezYouth leader for the past several years. Now he has responded to God’s call to be the director. I am excited to see how the Spirit works in his life as he steps forward to lead this ministry.

Resurrection has a long history of developing Christian leaders like Isaiah. Some go off to serve God in other cities and states; some serve right here at REZ. Let’s celebrate all our leaders, and let’s pray for the students who are developing into the next generation of Christian leaders.


Pastor Mark