Recently I went to the Civil War event at the LeDuc mansion on Vermillion St. It was my first visit, and I was fascinated to hear about General William LeDuc and his family. He was a pioneer settler of Hastings, once owning a quarter of the town. He served as the U.S. Commissioner of Agriculture where he promoted sugar beet farming to free us from dependence on foreign sugar. He founded the Hastings and Dakota Railroad, ran a small mill on the Vermillion, published books, and even invented an early typewriter. You can spend an afternoon touring his home, and hours reading about him on the internet.

His older brother, Charles, is another story. Charles was also an early pioneer. But he did not come to Hastings to build his fame and fortune. Charles came as a Presbyterian missionary. His efforts led to the founding of First Presbyterian Church, which is still doing ministry today. You can find almost nothing about Charles on the internet. (Though I did discover that my house sits on the property where Charles built his home upon coming to Hastings.)

One brother achieved glory, fame, and fortune in war, business, and politics; the other is mostly forgotten. One left behind a mansion; the other left behind a legacy of people coming to Jesus and receiving their own ”mansion” with Christ (John 14:2 KJV). Who had the greater impact? I think it was Charles.

We may not be internet-famous, but we all can have an impact for Christ. And that’s the best legacy to leave behind. Have a wonderful week.

Pastor Mark

“And when the Great Shepherd appears, you will receive a crown of never-ending glory and honor. “ – 1 Peter 5:4