We had another great youth trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. As always, the lakes were beautiful, we caught a few fish, and we saw animals we don’t usually see in Hastings. (No wolves or bears, but we did see loons, an otter, and a bobcat.) I love the Boundary Waters. It seems that everyone else does, too, because it was busier than I have ever seen it.

On Wednesday every campsite where we wanted to stay was taken, so we had to keep paddling and portaging into new lakes and rivers. As evening approached, we met two church groups coming in from the opposite direction. With not enough daylight left for them to find an open site, they chose to turn around and leave. We didn’t have that option. 

There was just one campsite left on the map to check out. If that too was taken, we would have to do the longest portage in my life. I prayed hard. We were exhausted and I didn’t know if we could make it. (Okay, let’s be honest…I didn’t know if I could make it.) We needed to find a campsite.

We rounded the bend and there it was in all its empty glory. With a sigh of relief and a “Thank you Jesus!” we hauled out and set up camp. Reflecting on the day one of the campers said, “God gives you what you need, not always what you want.” Have you found that to be true in your experience? I can say I haven’t received everything I’ve wanted in life, but God has never failed to provide what I need.
That campsite was just another reminder of that truth.

Philippians 4:19 says: “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” In that chapter, Paul has just written how he has been through times of want and times of plenty, times of hunger and times being well fed, and God has helped him through it all. He didn’t get everything he wanted, but he did get what he needed. And for that he is grateful.

I am, too. Have a great week!

Pastor Mark