NOV 06  / Sunday – Read 2 Timothy 4:9-11

Overview: Jesus says the widow who gave two “pennies” (mites) gave more than all the rest because she gave her all. How does that math work?

07 / Mon – Timothy  |  Read 2 Timothy 4:9

Most of Paul’s New Testament letters were written to specific churches but he did write letters to three people. One was Timothy, who had become like a son. This second letter to Timothy is the last known written communication from Paul before his execution in Rome (AD 66-67). In it, he urged Timothy to come quickly because Paul knew his time was short and wanted to spend that precious time with those closest to him. Who would you spend your last days with and why?

08 / Tue – Demas  |  Read Colossians 4:14 / Philemon 1:24-25 / 2 Timothy 4:10a

Demas was a trusted co-worker as mentioned in several of Paul’s letters but in this final letter from prison, Paul told how Demas had deserted him. Apparently something else had dimmed Demas’ allegiance to Christ. What a heartbreak it must have been for Paul to lose a trusted co-worker this way. Do you know anyone who has walked away from Christ because something or someone became more important? What happened?

09 / Wed – Titus  |  Read 2 Timothy 4:10b / Titus 1:4-5 / 2 Corinthians 8:16

Biblical scholars estimate that Paul had as many as 80-90 co-workers who were mentioned in Acts and his New Testament letters. Demas left but it seems Paul had sent Crescenes and Titus out to other regions. Not much is known about Crescens but Titus is frequently mentioned in Acts and in Paul’s letters as a vital member of his team. He shared Paul’s vision and their work changed the world. Who knows your heart and shares your passion?

10 / Thu – Luke |  Read Colossians 4:14 / Philemon 1:24-25 / 2 Tim 4:11a

Luke had traveled with Paul on several missionary trips and they became close friends. He was a physician so maybe he was needed because of Paul’s health or for emotional support as Paul was in prison. Whatever the reason, it gave Luke a chance to learn about the beginnings of the early church and put them in writing for posterity. It is not known that Luke became a preacher or teacher but his role was vital. Who has God placed in your life as a support and an encourager?

11 / Fri – Mark  |  Read Acts 13:5, 15:36-40 / 2 Timothy 4:11b

Known as John Mark in his younger years, he was a cousin to Barnabas. When Paul and Barnabas went on their first missionary trip, they took him along as an assistant. Midway through the trip, Mark deserted them. What happened when Barnabas wanted to give Mark another chance on their second trip? What was the result of their disagreement? Then see what Paul has to say about Mark years later. Have you ever been too quick to judge someone the Lord might want to use in your life?

12 / Sat – People on your team  |  Read 2 Timothy 9:21

Who do you need to help as you face your winter ahead? Someone like Luke who can support and remind you of what God has done in the past? People like Timothy, Titus and Tychicus who will be co-workers in what God has called you to do, whether in work or life or ministry? Will you refuse to let the desertion of a ‘Demas’ keep you from moving forward? Can you see potential in someone like Mark and give them a second chance? God will put your team together when you ask!


The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

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The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.