On April 10th (a week from this writing) we will enter the most significant time of the year for Christians: Holy Week. Holy Week celebrates the events of the week of Jesus’ crucifixion and Resurrection. Jesus lived to be about 33 years old, but this one week is so important that the Gospel writers devote 1/3 of their writing to just these eight days of his life. Resurrection Church follows the ancient church practice of walking through this week in special worship.
Palm Sunday (April 10) – We will have palms in church this day remembering how the crowds waved branches when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. See John 12:13
Maundy Thursday (April 14) – We will have a special communion service at 7:00 pm this day. Pastor Julie will be preaching. This commemorates Jesus’ last supper before his crucifixion and the gift of holy communion. See Mark 14:12-26
Good Friday (April 15) – Craig Wasner and special musical guests will lead this commemoration of Jesus’ crucifixion at 7:00 pm. We were blessed by their special Advent service in December and we welcome them back for Holy Week this year. See Matthew 27:32-56
Easter Sunday (April 17) – We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Services held at our regular times of 8:30 and 10:00 am. See John 20
I hope you will be able to join us for these special worship events. If you cannot attend, I encourage you to read the appropriate scriptures for each day and join with us online. Jesus gave his life so that we might be saved from sin and death. He rose again so we can live with him. No other week has so much meaning for followers of Christ – or for the world.
Pastor Mark
P.S. If you wonder why the date of Easter Sunday moves around each year, it is because the only date references given in the bible is that is happened the week of the Jewish Passover celebration. The Jewish calendar does not match up with the calendar we use, so Jewish dates “change” from our standpoint. The early Church chose to celebrate Easter on a date that could be determined no matter what calendar someone used. It is the first Sunday after the first full moon of spring.