FEB 13 / Sunday – Read John 3:16 / John 15:13 / Matt 17:20 / 2 Cor 13:13
Overview: There is incredible power in small, simple acts of love.
14 / Mon – Love is in the air | Read John 3:16 / John 15:13
How great is it that we have one day each year to intentionally focus on showing love to special people in our lives! Some go to great lengths – with beautiful flowers, fancy cards, fine chocolates, expensive dinners, and even marriage proposals. Jesus described the greatest gift of love in John 15. Do you demonstrate your love by ‘laying down’ your desires and preferences? Could watching the kids for her or making his favorite dessert be more meaningful than a fancy card?
15 / Tue – Right motivations | Read Deuteronomy 6:5 / Leviticus 19:18 / Matthew 22:36-40
After the Lord God freed his people who had been slaves for hundreds of years, he taught them a better way to live. His commands were specific and practical. It started by choosing to love God with all their hearts, their souls, and their strength. Then they were to love their neighbors as much as they loved themselves. Every specific action was to be based on one of these two. Does this seem like a good way to evaluate the motives of your own heart today?
16 / Wed – The real deal | Read John 13:34-35
Jesus modeled perfect love. After teaching and training his disciples for several years, he spent his final hours giving his most important instructions. Six times in this last conversation, he said if they really loved him, they would obey him. Then he gave them a new command. More than just loving others as much as they loved themselves, they were to love others the way they had been loved by him. How has Jesus loved you? Will you show your love by obeying him too?
17 / Thu – Tough days | Read 1 John 4:10-12, 16, 19
Loving people the right way can be very difficult at times. Some days it’s hard to muster up the kind of love you know you should have. Don’t be discouraged. These verses are a reminder of where love comes from. Are you in short supply? Ask God to help you understand more clearly His love for you and then ask him to show you some ways to extend it to others (v. 19). You will be amazed at what happens as a result of that prayer.
18 / Fri – Action steps | Read Romans 12:1-2, 9-21
This great chapter starts by Paul urging us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, breaking the pattern of self-centeredness, and being transformed by thinking God’s thoughts. Then Paul gives a detailed list of 20+ practical things we could do to live what we say we believe. As you read this list, jot down several that stand out. Choose one you could start with. Then ask the Lord to give you the insights you need and the steps you should take. How will you put love into action today?
19 / Sat – Moving ahead | Read James 1:22-25 / John 13:17
So looking back over this week, what did you learn about God?
What did you learn about yourself?
What is one thing that will change going forward?
The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.
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