Nov 28 / Sunday – Overview  | Isaiah 9:1-11 / Isaiah 11:1-6

Christmas foods can do more than add to our waistline – they can help us see what God was doing back then, and what God is doing today.

29 / Mon – Good plans  |  Read Jeremiah 29:11

Special holiday treats can take hours to make. Kids can hardly wait for them to be cool enough to eat. But children are not the only ones who get impatient waiting for good things to happen. You might be familiar with this verse, often quoted as an encouragement. Now read v. 10-14 for context. God’s people waited 70 years for this promise to be fulfilled. What have you been waiting for? Has it been difficult for you? What helps you hang on to hope?

30 / Tue – A long time coming  |  Read Genesis 12:1-5 / Genesis 21:1-7 / Deuteronomy 1:10

Some promises seem impossible, as in Abraham and Sarah’s case. All their lives they had waited for a child. Not only did God promise them a son, but even greater, that Abraham’s family tree would have as many descendants as there were stars in the sky. This promise was given when Abraham was 75 but not fulfilled until he was 100 years old and his wife Sarah was past childbearing age. Why do you think God waited so long? Read the chapters in-between 12 & 21. God was at work.

01 / Wed – Sidetracked  |  Read Joshua 21:45 / 1 Kings 8:56 / Proverbs 19:21

Did God ever promise you something but you messed up and made poor choices? You might be tempted to think you lost your chance, that now His promise can’t be fulfilled. The Israelites took a 40-year detour because of their choices but see what Johsua said when they reached the promised land. And 400+ years later, King Solomon declared the same truth. Some things may take longer to happen but don’t give up. God is not finished with you yet!

02 / Thu – In the meantime  |  Read Acts 1:1-26

Jesus promised his disciples that God would send the Holy Spirit and they were to wait until he did. They did not know how long it would be. (Most Biblical scholars believe it was 10 days.) See what they did while they waited. As you are waiting for God’s answers, what are some things you might need to do to get ready? And what nurtures your hope as you wait?

03 / Fri – Anticipation  |  Read Psalm 33:20-22 / Psalm 37:7 / Isaiah 26:8, 12

Some of God’s promises to you may not be fulfilled while you are living on earth. What you pray for, like the salvation of those most precious to you, might happen after you are gone. The healing you’ve asked for may not come until Jesus takes you home. The unfulfilled dreams you have had for years may happen in ways you least expect them. God keeps his promises. Wait with patience, watch carefully, see what God will do as you trust his good heart and great love for you.

04 / Sat – Another advent  |  Read Acts 1:9-11

The first promise of a Savior was given right after sin entered the garden of Eden. Assurances were repeated over and over again throughout the Old Testament scriptures. Centuries passed and still God’s people waited. Then, at just the right time, God sent his Son. Before Jesus returned to heaven after fulfilling his mission, he gave another promise – to return again. As you celebrate Jesus’ first coming to earth, do you look forward to his second advent? Let that precious hope overshadow everything else and you can experience peace that lasts long past this Christmas season.

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

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The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.