“That belief and understanding lead to the hope of eternal life. Before time began, God promised to give that life. And he does not lie. – Titus 1:2 NIRV

 Today I am basking in the glow of the Timberwolves’ amazing come-from-behind victory in game seven of the conference semi-finals. Never before in the history of the NBA has a team won game seven after being behind by so much. Of course, I didn’t see their victory. 

I have been a Minnesota sports fan long enough to know that Minnesota teams don’t make history in that way. Minnesota is all about moral victories, good tries, and coming up just short. So when the Timberwolves fell behind by 20 in the third quarter I gave up hope and turned it off. Who needs to watch another disappointing end to a season? Of course, by giving up hope I missed the exciting, glorious finish. 

How often do we do that with God? Things get hard. Answers don’t come quickly. We assume we know how it’s all going to turn out (with another loss for us). So we give up and walk away just when God starts to do something amazing. 

The bible says in Romans 5:5 that the hope God gives does not disappoint us: “And hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.” This doesn’t mean we will always get just what we want. By the time you read this, the Timberwolves may once again be on the brink of elimination. But God gives us a hope that goes beyond who wins a basketball game. God gives us an eternal hope of eternal life. So don’t give up on God. Amazing things are coming.

Pastor Mark

Reminder: The job description and application for the salaried, part-time Director of Children and Family Ministry position is available online.