In everything set them an example
by doing what is good. – Titus 2:7 NIV
Recently, I was at a Jeremy Camp concert at Grace Church in Eden Prairie. About halfway through the concert, some young boys left their seats and stood against the wall next to me. They appeared to be four brothers. What caught my attention was that all four of them leaned against the wall with one leg raised and the foot planted against it. The visual effect was that it looked like a flock of flamingos, all standing on one leg.
Two thoughts occurred to me. First, I wondered why these boys would all choose to stand in the exact same way. Second, I wondered how long it would take the church janitors to clean the scuff marks from the wall.
A woman, who appeared to be their mother, soon approached them and began talking to the boy at the end. As she did so, she turned and leaned against the wall and lifted her leg, just like her sons. Now there were five “flamingos”, each standing on one leg.
I imagine those boys picked up this trait from their mother. After observing her during their formative years, it became the natural way for the whole family to stand. Kids tend to copy their parents. This is true for good habits, and doubly true for bad habits.
The Apostle Paul reminds Titus that this lesson applies to Christians as well. People will follow our example, so set a good one. Do the things that glorify God and set an example of integrity, faith, and love. You never know who might be watching. May they pick up good habits from us, not bad.
God bless your week,
Pastor Mark