MAY 26  / Sunday – Read John 10:10

Overview: Life is a beautiful gift from God. And Jesus’ promise of an abundant life isn’t just for now. It’s forever–an eternal life where the beauty never ends.

27 / Mon – Remember  |  Read Romans 5:6-7 / Romans 8:1-2

Memorial Day has been set aside to honor those who died fighting to preserve the freedoms our country enjoys. All life is precious but there is something sacred about the sacrifice of those who knowingly put their lives on the line for others. Jesus did that for us. Just as some don’t give honor to fallen soldiers, there are many today who do not fully appreciate what it cost Jesus to bring them spiritual freedom. How great God’s love is, for even those who don’t acknowledge it. Will you take time today to remember all that Jesus Christ has done and honor him?

28 / Tue – Created to be beautiful  |  Read Genesis 1:31

God had a busy week. In Genesis we get to come along and ‘watch’ God at work creating the heavens and the earth and, at the end of the sixth day, look over His creations. With their perfect beauty, balance and purpose, He proclaimed them very good. You too are one of His beloved creations, made with purpose and meaning. When has God prompted you to action, big or small, and in the process, you found His purpose and meaning for you? What did that look like?

29 / Wed – The importance of listening  |  Read John 5:24-29

Because of the resurrection, you can trust what Jesus taught before he died. He promised life with him after death. Read v 25 again. What will happen to the dead who hear his voice? What about you who are alive right now? Do you read his words and act on them? Do you listen throughout the day to hear his voice? Do you consult him about impending decisions and then do as you are prompted? All these are preparing you to hear his voice when you rest in the grave.

30 / Thu – An interesting definition  |  Read John 17:3, 25-26

If someone asked you to define eternal life, what would you say? Are you surprised by Jesus’ definition here? Next question: how do you get to know God? Isn’t He incomprehensible, beyond our human ability to understand? Philip asked Jesus that same question in John 14:8-9. We have not seen Jesus in the flesh but we have reliable reports written by those who did. As you study the gospels, what characteristics do you observe? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you see what kind of God created, loves, saves and sustains you. Knowing Him always brings life, here and now.

31 / Fri – Beautiful in its time  |  Read Ecclesiastes 3:11 / John 10:10

Everyone on this earth has their time, a beginning and an end. Our heavenly eternity with God is both known and unknown. What does this place we long for look like?  Rather than fixate on that while we are here, we must live and serve by faith, trusting in the Lord’s wisdom, authority and plan, so the thief cannot get in to steal, kill and destroy our earthly or eternal lives. What Bible verses have strengthened and/or reassured you about your eternity with God?

JUN 01 / Sat – The choice is yours  |  Read Romans 6:23

A sports program from the 1970’s opened each show with scenes depicting “the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.” Paul defines our choice in today’s verse: turn our backs on God and pursue self-centered living or accept the eternal life of joy and beauty promised to us when we live in relationship with Christ. This choice decides with whom we will spend eternity. Repenting and returning to the Lord promises that you can be with Him forever, both here and later. Who else do you want to be with you? Are you praying for them to? Don’t stop.


The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

If you have a question or comment about the GPS Guide, please send it to: [email protected]

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.